The new initiative empowering kids to raise their voice
Mark as played
About the episode
Starting kindergarten without the skills to be able to speak clearly is a reality many children face. Waitlists as long as two years to see a speech pathologist disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It’s an issue the University of Newcastle, the Gunawirra Organisation, Scribbly Gum Dalai and Dalaigur preschools, and the Vonwiller Foundation are working hard to address with the establishment of a new community-centred program led by students. Hear from Mum, Taylor about how her daughter learnt to sing, and Jane, a speech pathology graduate with a passion for working with children. We also meet Graham, CEO of Gunawirra who shares the importance of speech in preserving culture. To read more about this story and others just like it, head to